Company Profile & History

Company Profile

Nivi S.p.A. is a company belonging to Nivi Group, which has been specialized for 60 years in services providing in the field of debt collection and commercial information gathering, in Italy and in foreign countries.

Accredited to 650 Authorities and Public Administrations, in the capacity of Special Attorney, the company deals with the collection of debts regarding unpaid highway tolls on behalf of the main Motorway Companies, the collection of healthcare taxes and the notification, to Italian and foreign citizens, of road sanctions issued by the Municipal Police Forces regarding violations of the Traffic Code.

Nivi’s capital is 9.075.889,00 euro. The Company is enrolled in the Register of the Managers of collection of local taxes, handled by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which acknowledges financial capacities and moral requirements, the possibility to carry out operations related to debt collection.

Our history

The company was founded in 1960 as an individual company Nivi, active in the field of investigations services market research and in the field of debt collection. In the following years, thanks to the success of some projects and to the acquisition of contracts of an ongoing nature, the debt recovery sector has had a remarkable expansion becoming the prevailing sector.

In 1989 Nivi Credit Srl was established, a Company with the license T.U.L.P.S. 115 issued by the Police Headquarters in Florence, mainly oriented towards the recovery of small and medium-size credits.
In 1992 Docubank was born, a division specialized in converting paper archives into digital format, organization and preservation on optical media and their consultation through the use of innovative telematics technologies.
Subsequently, Nivi Credit Srl has dealt, as a special attorney, with the recovery of tolls for the main Italian motorway companies.

Since 2004, the E.M.O. division, acronym of European Municipality Outsourcing, offers to Public Administrations a unique and innovative service for the notification of administrative sanctions worldwide.

The need to recover the sanctions remained unresolved after the notification activity, led in 2009 to the establishment and development of the department of International Debt Collection, which, in collaboration with important foreign partners, deals with the management and recovery of financial, commercial credits and deriving from car rental services, against citizens residing abroad.

Since 2016, the prefectural license T.U.L.P.S. 134 for business information has been increased and the Nivinform division has been established: an innovative collection and analysis service of data from different sources, elaborated with predictability able to determine the creditworthiness of companies and people.

With effect from 1 January 2020 it occurred the fusion for incorporation of the Nivi Credit Spa in the incorporating Nivi Credit Srl, with a contextual transformation of the latter in "Nivi S.p.A." and increase of the share capital from € 1.000.000 to € 7.928.926, then further increased to € 9.075.889.


Constitution of the individual company Nivi, by Vito Nicosia, active in the field of commercial information, investigations, market research and debt collection.

Nivi Credit Srl

Constitution of the capital company that deals internationally in public and private debt collection of commercial and financial origin.


Created to solve storage problems, it allows the conversion, organization, consultation and preservation of paper documents in digital format.

European Municipality Outsourcing®

Innovative service, aimed at public administrations, for the management of notifications and collection abroad of penalties issued to foreign citizens.

International Debt Collection

Coordination of all international debt recovery activities, both in the commercial and financial field.


Research and analysis of aggregated commercial information, aimed at determining the creditworthiness of companies and individuals, in Italy and abroad.

Nivi SpA

Modification of the business name and increase of the share capital from € 1.000.000 to € 9.075.889, in order to respond better to the new challenges of the Market.